Agency Services

MICE Management Sporting Events and Logistics Event Management Systems – Creativity Unique Venue Agency Services Surveys and Planning

Operation of temporary coronavirus response office and call center

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Japan English Language Proficiency Association Secretariat Services
(Instructor dispatch, seminars, overseas and domestic training)

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Japan English Language Proficiency Association Test Venue Operation and Management

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The America-Japan Society of Oita

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Operation of temporary coronavirus response office and call center

Entrusted with the management of secretariats, call centers, etc. related to various projects that require urgency surrounding the Covid 19 pandemic, including the Vaccination Information Line, Go To Eat Campaign and 100,000 yen government subsidy. Utilized our know-how of building management programs for day-to-day operations and personnel structures.

Call center for 100,000yen sudsidy

GoTo Eat call center

Vaccination reservation call center


Japan English Language Proficiency Association Secretariat Services
(Instructor dispatch, seminars, overseas and domestic training)

Among the various services provided by the Japan English Proficiency Testing Association, we have set up a dedicated contact point for each project that requires inquiries, coordination, registration, etc., and handles them on the association’s behalf. In addition, the association is also contracted to produce printed promotional materials and hold lectures, etc., from accepting applications to implementation.

Seminar Venue

Barcode reception developed from web application.

Telephone answering machines for dedicated lines.


Japan English Language Proficiency Association Test Venue Operation and Management

Among the many test sites for English proficiency exams held across the country, we have been entrusted with the operation and management of venues in Okayama and Fukuoka prefectures. Testing is carried out in line with other venues, and measures are taken to prevent fraud such as identity theft.

Orientation session for Proctors

Classroom before exam

Venue set up including bulletin boards


The America-Japan Society of Oita

Among the projects carried out by the Japan-America Society, which was established with the help of the American Embassy, we are entrusted by the Society to act as the point of contact for personnel exchanges that require coordination with the United States.

Founding meeting of the association

Christmas party with US residents of Oita

Flyers for business generation event with the US